Sitting Room

Sitting Room

Friday, April 16, 2010

Designing your home around the things you love...

The first rule of design, I believe, is that there are no rules...just guidlines. And if you are in persuit of your own personal style, begin by doing some window shopping. Start by looking through designer and home decorating magazines, clipping out the pages that you love. Then create your own design portfolio. Going through this portfolio will quickly reveal to you what type of rooms continually catch your eye. In one of my favorite design books there is a quote "Look first, read second, and buy third". With so many things out there, so many trends, fads and influences, the idea of "trying things on" without making a commitment is very wise.

What I mean by trying things on is to envision things in your space. For instance, will these colors suit your surroundings? Imagine yourself in the room that you want to create. Will it be comfortable for your family? Will it function the way you will like it to? Will these trends quickly pass, will I tire of them easily? And is that okay?

Too many people get caught up in searching for style and end up copying someone else's look. It is much more important to fill your home with the things you love, to create a place for your family and friends to feel comfort, peace and joy.

I will blog again on May 14th and continue this journey with you. Let me know how you are doing with your own portfolio.

Danelle Shirkman Owner/Designer

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