Sitting Room

Sitting Room

Friday, April 23, 2010

Style on a Budget: Mirrors

Hi Everyone! Last month, I discussed how custom pillows are one way to create a new look on a budget. This week my tip is going to deal with mirrors.

Mirrors can do a variety of things which are beneficial to the space. One thing mirrors can do is make the room appear larger than it really is. I hear many people say they wish they had a bigger space but do not have the means to actually make the room larger. By placing mirrors across from a light source (such as a window), it will reflect light and make the room look brighter. Brighter rooms will trick the eye into thinking the space is bigger than it actually is.

Another thing mirrors can do is add interest to a room. You can achieve adding this interest, by using different sizes and shapes to create a unique pattern. You can turn a boring room into something really exciting. The boring blank wall in your house or apartment could potentially be the focal point in your space.

Lastly, in recent times mirrored furniture is becoming extremely popular. I recently purchased a mirrored nightstand and I love it! Mirrored furniture can create the same effects that mirrors on walls can do.

Just like pillows can do something great for your space on a budget, so can mirrors! You can purchase some really great mirrors at a great price. Come into the shop and check out some of our lines that carry some fabulous mirrors!!

I will be blogging again in four weeks! Come back and check it out:)

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